Join the Peaceful Wife in Branson, Missouri August 5-6th of 2016!

I’m so excited to share that my first Peaceful Wife Conference will be this August 5th-6th in Branson, Missouri! 🙂

We will be meeting at the Doulos Center with a session Friday evening the 5th of August from 7-9pm and two sessions on Saturday the 6th from 9am-12noon and 1pm-4pm. Lunch will be provided at the conference center and the cost for the conference, including lunch, will be $25 per person.

I hope to have hotel package information and more details coming within the next week or so for those who are interested in coming. All women are welcome to come regardless of marital status.

Branson is a very popular tourist destination for families with over 120 dinner theater shows, amusement parks, country music venues, and all kinds of fun activities for children and adults. It is in the southern part of Missouri, close to the Arkansas border. You may want to bring the whole family and let Dad and the kids explore the beautiful town in the Ozarks while we meet for a time of fellowship, encouragement, and learning together and then catch a show that Saturday evening. Or this could be a wonderful time to take a road trip with some girlfriends and come to the conference together and then enjoy Branson the rest of the weekend.

Single, married, separated, divorced, and widowed ladies are all welcome to come. We have so much to learn from each other!


Some things we will be talking about together…

  • My Story
  • Men Are SO Different from Women – and That Is a Good Thing!
  • Why a 50/50 Marriage Won’t Work.
  • What Speaks Disrespect to Men?
  • The Lordship of Christ Impacts Our Interactions in Real Life Relationships.
  • God Has Gifted Women to Powerfully Bless Our Men with Respect.
  • Godly Femininity Is a Treasure from Heaven.
  • Biblical Submission Is NOT about Slavery or Abuse, Thankfully! But What Is It, Exactly?


This is my first conference, so it is a bit of a “test run.” I will be asking for a lot of feedback from the ladies who join me to help me hone my presentation.



I will get the registration information and hotel package information to you as soon as I have it!



The Branson Landing photo credit

The Branson Landing photo credit


Dolly Parton's Dixie Stampede photo credit

Dolly Parton’s Dixie Stampede photo credit



Silver Dollar City amusement park photo credit

Silver Dollar City amusement park photo credit

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25 Comments on “Join the Peaceful Wife in Branson, Missouri August 5-6th of 2016!”

  1. Victorious Wife
    June 22, 2016 at 8:02 am #

    I am definitely interested!!! It’s kind of far for me (Orlando) but I might see if anyone would be interested in coming with me!!!

    Any chance you might consider doing a conference in Orlando? I would be thrilled to help with any details that I could!!!


    • Peacefulwife
      June 22, 2016 at 10:00 pm #

      Victorious Wife,

      I really hope I will be able to do a conference in FL at some point, God-willing! It would be awesome if you can come. But I definitely understand that it is a LONG way from Orlando to Branson. It would be fun, though! Thank you for your offer to help. If I come to Orlando, maybe you can help me out with that? 🙂


      • Victorious Wife
        June 23, 2016 at 4:08 am #

        Yes, absolutely! I would be more than happy to help in any way that I’m able! 🙂


  2. Margaret
    June 22, 2016 at 8:17 am #

    Hi April, I am a faithful follower and have been so blessed by your posts. I would be interested in coming if I’m able and helping in any way I can.


    • Peacefulwife
      June 22, 2016 at 10:01 pm #


      That would be amazing! Thank you for letting me know. I will definitely let y’all know if I need help. And would love to meet you face-to-face!


  3. Comet Ajayi
    June 22, 2016 at 8:34 am #

    This is great! Glory be to the Lord! I’m glad your ministry is growing like this. More women to hear how they can bless their husbands to make stronger marriages and stronger communities!

    Hallelujah, praise God!


  4. sharon
    June 22, 2016 at 9:29 am #

    How do i attend, from Zambia?


    • Peacefulwife
      June 22, 2016 at 10:03 pm #


      Zambia is a very long way, I certainly understand that it would be pretty cost-prohibitive for you. If you aren’t able to come, you may want to check out my Youtube videos where I share a lot of things – and it is kind of like being in some of my classes. 🙂 My channel is April Cassidy.

      We will also pray that God might lead me wherever He will for me to share in other places, too. If He will provide the way, I want to go where He wants me to go.

      Much love to you!


  5. Rebekah
    June 22, 2016 at 9:43 am #

    Branson is only a few hours from me!!! I would love to come, now just to figure out childcare!!!


    • Peacefulwife
      June 22, 2016 at 10:03 pm #


      That would be awesome!!! Praying for God’s provision for you, my sister!


  6. ContentinChrist
    June 22, 2016 at 11:55 am #

    April, how exciting! I am very interested, but it might be a little too far for me at this time. I am still going to pray and think about it, though!!!

    I know God will go before you and work out all the details and bring just the right people to this first conference!


    • Peacefulwife
      June 22, 2016 at 10:04 pm #


      That is exactly my prayer. It’s like you could read my mind. 🙂 I’d LOVE to meet you sometime – and if you are able to come, that would be wonderful. If not, I totally understand. Where would you like for me to do a conference – just so I could pray about it?


  7. Angela Poort
    June 22, 2016 at 1:45 pm #

    Yes, would love to attend your conference. Thx:)


    • Peacefulwife
      June 22, 2016 at 10:04 pm #

      Angela Poort,

      YAY! That would be so much fun to get to meet and talk in person. I will get you more info as I get it. Hopefully within the next week or two – we will have a link for registration.

      Much love!


  8. daughter
    June 22, 2016 at 11:14 pm #

    That is awesome! How many people can come? What is maximum capacity? I am interested, I am in Wisconsin.


    • Peacefulwife
      June 23, 2016 at 5:58 am #


      Whoever wants to come is welcome to come. 🙂


  9. Melissa
    June 23, 2016 at 9:12 am #

    Wow. You should come to Chattanooga or Knoxville Tennessee. I’m right in between the two!


    • Peacefulwife
      June 23, 2016 at 10:44 pm #

      I LOVE Tennessee! 🙂 Please pray that God will open any doors He has for me, my sweet sister. 🙂


  10. Just Walkin' Home
    June 23, 2016 at 11:02 am #

    Wow! That is so exciting! I’ve only ever commented on here once or twice but I have been following your blog for 3 years. I so wish I could attend your first conference but unfortunately it’s too far away for a weekend. I’m not sure how many Canadian readers you have but I live up in Alberta outside of Calgary. It’s a very large city centre and it would be amazing to have you come up this way someday. I will be praying for protection and peace as you prepare for this exciting extension of your ministry. Thank you for your obedience and praise God for how he is using that to influence people and marriages all around the world.


    • Peacefulwife
      June 23, 2016 at 10:48 pm #

      Just Walkin’ Home,

      I’m so glad that God uses this site to bless you. It is so wonderful to hear from you. Thank you for your prayers and yes, please do pray about what cities and countries God desire me to visit. I would appreciate that greatly! 🙂


  11. Flower
    June 24, 2016 at 12:47 am #

    Ahhhh congratulations!!! Have fun!!! 🙂 I can’t make it, but I’m so excited for you!!!



    • Peacefulwife
      June 24, 2016 at 7:39 am #

      Thank you so much, Flower. I appreciate your support. 🙂


  12. BlessedOut
    June 24, 2016 at 8:58 am #

    Oh my gosh… if I had the money to make it out, I TOTALLY would! $25 for a conference! I wish other people would charge that much! LOL

    But honestly, if you come out toward the West Coast, I would totally want to try my best to make it. I don’t have a whole lot of money, but I’d be willing to drive a state over if need be (esp if that state is just Arizona LOL)… it’s only a little over 4 hours away. Oregon is a bit longer of a drive… 😛


    • Peacefulwife
      June 25, 2016 at 3:29 pm #

      Blessed Out,
      I would love to meet you! That would be SOOOO cool! 🙂

      I will let everyone know when/where any future conferences may be. Please pray that God will make a way for me to go wherever He wants to send me.

      Much love!


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