Join the Peacefulwife for The Respect Dare

Day 1  Expectations

Day 2 Childhood Scars

Day 3 My Godly Wife Report Card

Day 4 A Godly Purpose Statement

Day 5 Slow to Anger

Day 6  A Servant’s Heart

Day 7 A New Tongue

Day 8 Building Him Up

Day 9 Overlooking Insults

Day 10 His Biggest Critic or His Biggest Supporter

Day 11 Focus on the Good

Day 12 Wise Words and Kindness

Day 13 Say “Yes” to Your Man

Day 14 “Treat Him Like a Man”

Day 15 Is My Treasure in Eternal Things?

Day 16 A Sink Full of Dishes

Day 17 Life Giving Words

Day 18 A Guest Post from Nina Roesner

Day 19 Order

Day 20 Loving Our Husbands with a Sacrificial Love

Day 21 What Does it Mean to Respect My Husband?

Day 22 Refining My Motives about Housework

Day 23 My Knight in Shining Armor

Day 24 Intimacy with God

Day 25 Responding as a Godly Wife

Day 26 Biblical Submission – a Huge Key to Peace

Day 27 Being on His Team in Tough Times

Day 28 Making the One Flesh Relationship a Huge Priority in Marriage

Day 29 Extending Grace, Finding Renewed Connection

Day 30 Modesty and Respect

Day 31 “Watch Me!”

Day 32 Just the Facts, Please, Ma’am, Just the Facts

Day 33 Time to Stop the Rescuing!

Day 34 Can His Heart Safely Trust Me?

Day 35 Live with Him in an Understanding Way

Day 36 Tears Are an Important Part of this Journey

Day 37 Living in God’s Spirit’s Power

Day 38 Taking Initiative Sexually in Marriage

Day 39 God’s Perspective on Forgiveness

Day 40  Your Story

23 Comments on “Join the Peacefulwife for The Respect Dare”

  1. Lucy
    April 3, 2014 at 12:03 am #

    I just bought this today, so I guess I’m behind, but I’m excited to start it next week (the next few days are rather crazy, so I’m giving myself until Monday to start). 🙂


    • peacefulwife
      April 3, 2014 at 6:37 am #

      You can start anytime! Welcome to the Respect Dare!!! Woohoo!


      • Holly
        December 2, 2015 at 7:59 am #

        I need to make a new change I need this book I need to become a positive compationate gal again after all the hurt my husband has put on me I need this for me and my family please pray for me thank you Holly


  2. Elle
    April 8, 2014 at 10:30 am #

    I bought the Respect Dare last year and read maybe one chalet before shelving it! Since then my marriage is in a critical point after my husband confesses he had an affair almost 2 years ago. Although he wants to turn our marriage around I’m not in a good place. I have become soooo clingy and insecure of myself that I feel pathetic. I want to become the woman God always intended me to be. But I can relate very much to how you used to treat your husband. I do the same. I want to really move on and build a better marriage but I need to change. I can’t believe I stumbled across your blog and I had been eyeing The Respect Dare the last few days from my shelf and after seeing it featured on your blog and reading some of your words I feel God is saying this is my next step. I finally feel a little hopeful. Bless you for making this blog.


    • peacefulwife
      April 8, 2014 at 10:48 am #


      I’m so excited about that you want to seek God with all your heart and that you are ready to do The Respect Dare! That is wonderful! I can’t wait to see what God has in store for you. 🙂 Praise God that your husband wants to work on the marriage!


  3. Amy
    May 14, 2014 at 1:11 am #

    I am being blessed by your reminders. After 13 years of marraige we are now separated. I want to become the woman that I was when we were dating. I am praying for this healing to occur with huge impact, I want to re-open my eyes and heart. I want to save my marraige and teach our daughters how to be godly.


    • peacefulwife
      May 14, 2014 at 6:28 am #

      Praying for you to allow God to transform your heart, mind and soul for His glory!


  4. Faith hristovs
    August 11, 2014 at 11:54 pm #

    Would like to join!


    • peacefulwife
      August 12, 2014 at 7:19 am #

      Of course you can! You don’t have to fill out anything. You can just begin going through each day’s dare. If you want to comment, you are more than welcome to! 🙂


  5. Abigail
    September 30, 2014 at 10:32 am #

    I am starting the respect dare today. I started to journal last night about all of the bad communication habits I have towards my husband. I realized that there was a lot I need to work on and I really need to let god intervene. Because I so can not do this alone. When I found the respect dare on your blog, I felt that I now have a blue print of sorts to help me sort through my inner self. I really need to focus on re inventing myself right now so I can learn to bless my husband and our relationship. Thank you for posting this April! I will look into getting the book as well!


    • Peacefulwife
      September 30, 2014 at 1:36 pm #

      Thanks for sharing that you are about to start the Respect Dare with me! I can’t wait to see all that God has in store for you! You can go slower than one dare per day if you need to. It is better to do a very thorough job on each dare than to rush through.

      Much love!


      • Notdoneyet
        November 19, 2014 at 6:45 am #

        I know I need to respect my husband more fully and consistently. Not to make excuses, but menopause and real hurtful not ok things he has done and doesn’t want to talk out get in the way. I believe in a big God, it just takes soooomuch time to wait on him, focus on me, and walk by faith. Please pray for my heart to be willing, submissive, and to forsake my know it all pride that can’t learn past the point it gets in the way! Thank you.


  6. Norah Namei
    February 10, 2015 at 9:42 am #

    I desire to be a peaceful wife


    • Peacefulwife
      February 10, 2015 at 9:49 am #

      Norah Namei,
      You can be! Not on your own, of course, but through God’s power working in you. How are things going?

      Much love to you!


  7. Maria
    March 1, 2015 at 3:40 pm #

    Hi….I have been reading your blog from long time. They r helpful only if you want to help yourself.
    That was not my case few days i try and then one day i snap.
    But now i think its time to change and i have to do it for God.
    I am going to join in the respect dare i hope and pray that this heals the wound that my relation have grown over the past years.
    Please pray for me


    • Peacefulwife
      March 1, 2015 at 4:23 pm #


      Of course I will pray for you right now! And YES! My blog only helps wives who are willing to look at themselves and who want God to help them change. It has to be our desire to become the women and wive He calls us to be. 🙂


  8. Norah Namei
    April 23, 2015 at 4:12 am #


    Thank you for asking. Have been doing the respect dare and on day 16 now. The day I was supposed to do the respect dare challenge of commending my husband we were so much with each other so I did not do it coz I felt he will think am faking my appreciation of him.

    It hard for me to not have expectations for my husband since I feel some of them are key in a marriage relationship like him being expressive in his love for me. so I often fall into that trap again of being mad if my expectations are not met.

    I want to learn to let go of the expectations and same time be happy and contented.

    I am enjoying the respect dare challenge and my prayer is that I will change my part and God will take care of his part.

    thank you.


  9. Almut Raque
    March 14, 2016 at 12:32 pm #

    Thank you, April, for sharing your thoughts…I always get encouraged and renewed with a different perspective, reading your blogs…you are awesome!
    The more hostile the environment the more defensive the parties get, and the more personal we take what is being said. You are right, what comes out of someone else’s mouth is all about them, and even if it is negative, and directed at us, it helps to not react. Saying “Ouch” proves very effective for me as well… my husband likes to throw insults at me via texts, and when I just respond with OUCH, he usually apologizes, which is a very rare thing for him to do. We, as women, are in charge of creating/altering the atmosphere in the home, and when we react and engage in fight, we always loose, because males are fighting machines… being vulnerable and respectfully letting him know that he just said hurt us, (and only that), is much more effective.
    I sometimes just take a deep breath, breathing in God’s grace, and then remove myself from further insults.
    Thanks again for all you do here, April, your time and work is deeply apreciated!


    • Peacefulwife
      March 14, 2016 at 3:59 pm #

      Almut Raque,

      LOVE THIS! Thank you so much for sharing. I wonder if you might allow me to share this comment anonymously on my Peaceful Wife Blog FB? I think God may use it to encourage some other struggling wives. (No pressure!)

      I love hearing what other women are learning and how they are growing.

      You are a blessing!!!

      Much love!


      Not sure if you have found any of the posts I have from wives in similar situations, but you are welcome to search my home page for:

      – command man
      – insults
      – conflict

      Another resource that may be helpful is Sacred Influence by Gary Thomas.

      Much love!


  10. Jackie
    June 22, 2016 at 3:12 am #

    I do love challenges. The Respect Dare seems like a good idea. I’m in 😀 Thank you April for posting ❤



  1. The Peaceful Wife – “The Respect Dare” | Freedom From Thorns - February 26, 2014

    […] going to start The Respect Dare, by Nina Roesner, on March 1st and use April’s posts as my guide as well as borrow the book from my library.  I hope it will be available and that I […]


  2. Wives Respond to the “The List” | - July 16, 2015

    […] Join the Peacefulwife for The Respect Dare […]


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